The Incredible Advantages of TIG AC Welding

Whenever aluminium is welded using TIG or tungsten inert gas welding process, alternating current is used. When TIG AC welding aluminium or steel, stainless steel, aluminium, nickel alloys, magnesium, copper, brass, bronze and even gold, there are certain advantages, such as the following

1 – Get high-quality, clean welds

With great arc and weld puddle control, TIG allows you to create clean welds when appearances matter. The heat input is often controlled by pressing on a foot pedal; TIG welding lets you heat or cool the weld puddle while providing precise control. 

2 - Creates no spark or splatter

It's not about how the weld is being carried out. It happens because only the required amount of filler metal is added to the welding puddle; no spatter or spark is generated if the welded metal is clean.

3 - No slag or lava

Because argon gas protects the weld puddle from contamination, no flux is required or used in TIG welding, and there is no slag blocking your view of the weld puddle. Also, the finished weld will not have slag to be removed between weld passes.

4 - No smoke or flux

Note that TIG welding does not produce smoke or fumes unless the base metal being welded contains ingredients such as oil, grease, paint, lead or zinc. But the base metal must be cleaned before welding.


TIG welding AC protects weld puddles from airborne contaminants. Plus, TIG welding produces clean, precise welds on any metal.


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