Three Control Setting Your Auto Darkening Helmet Must Have

It is easy to come across various auto-darkening welding helmets in the market that has a plethora of control settings. 

But, no matter how technically advanced an auto-darkening welding helmet is, it must have some basic features that make it possible to work with flexibility. 

In this blog, we will talk about the three important features that you can look out for in your next auto-darkening welding helmet.

1- Light sensitivity

With this control setting, it becomes possible to determine how much light is actually required to initiate the automatic darkening filter or ADF. The more powerful is the light source, the darker the lens on the helmet will get on detection of light. 

2- Delay 

Delay control denotes the speed at which the automatic darkening filter on your helmet gets activated once the light source is detected by the arc sensors. 

It is possible to control the delay setting by slowing it down or speeding it up as per arc initiation and completion to activate or deactivate the ADF properly. 

3- Shade

With shade control, it becomes possible to adjust the lightness and darkness of the lens once the arc is active. 

You can easily come across helmets that have up to a 14-shade range. Level one is close to the natural light, and 14 is the darkest shade. \

Signing off

Irrespective of how many control settings your auto-darkening welding helmet has, if you find these three control settings, you can stay assured of completing your welding project effectively. 


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